Warm Temps, Colder on the Way

Sunday Nov. 16

A nice large breakfast today at the apartment of home fried potatoes, ham and Havarti cheese omelet, a fresh grapefruit peeled and sectioned, 2 slices toast with butter/jam, and coffee.

I watched CBS Sunday Morning for the first time in a while since I do not have the broadcast channels back in Janesville, but they are included with the Internet package here. I enjoyed the segment on motivational speakers. I was a big fan of Wayne Dwyer (Your Erroneous Zones) back in the '70s, and it was kind of neat to see him still presenting talks, although at age 74 he now delivers his talks seated in a leather armchair. I gave up on the motivation gurus long ago, though confess I'm a bit of a Timothy Ferriss fan. His Four Hour Work Week is pretty good. (It's definitely a misnomer about the four hour part, but I like his message of work less/play more.)

Almost too warm today to exercise outside (87 degrees) so went to Planet Fitness. I need a good shower/shave today anyway, so I can kill two birds. Five o'clock and back at the apartment I oven broiled that rib steak I bought at the farmer's market Friday. I McGyvered a broiling pan using a disposable cake pan and 3 risers made of rolled up aluminum foil to let the fat drip off the steak. I sequestered Abby in the bedroom, and opened the front door and the patio door to vent the smoke (there wasn't as much as I thought there would be, but enough to want to vent it). It was quite a lot of fiddling around, but well worth it. It was one of the best steaks I've had in a while. I had it with a baked potato and a margarita for beverage.

Four eBay lots ended this evening, so I will have packages to get out Monday.

Monday Nov. 17

Started the morning with a grapefruit, bowl of oatmeal with walnuts and raisins, and coffee. I scooped the kitty litter and swept the apartment with the cordless floor sweeper. Going to be another warm one today (mid 80s) but then cool down considerably tomorrow and rain all day. So I am thinking about the movie Interstellar tomorrow. Today, I must get those packages out, so it's down to Office Depot to print labels (I have no printer here) and then I'm going back to a thrift store on McGregor Blvd. to take another look at a dresser/side table I saw the other day. I want to get the bedroom finished because now all my clothes are stacked rather randomly in the closet, and I want a little side table with lamp so I can read before nodding off, and give Abby another place where she can jump onto and knock shit off. So it's off on another mission.



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