Cadillac Jacks and the Dazzling Del-Rays

I went to a bar/grill last night (Cadillac Jacks) to introduce myself to the leader of the "Singles and Couples 40 and over in Southwest Florida" group, and ended up had a very nice time. I arrived early and had dinner at the bar of something they call the "Italian burger" which is one of their most popular sandwiches. It's a half-pound hamburger on a bun, and they top it with about 1/4 pound of their sliced Italian beef, and then finished off with Mozzarella cheese. Downed with a rum and coke, and Diet Coke after that. Yum!

I introduced myself to "Ed" the group leader, and showed the required ID to join the group. The group had 36 reserved seats for the band's performance, and all were full though Ed put me on standby in case there were no-shows, but everyone made it. So I ended up sitting at the bar, but found some company there to talk with, including a lovely gal about 10 years my senior, who I think was out trolling on her own. The place was, in fact, packed and if I heard the hostess correctly there were three and possibly four singles/couples groups taking up most of the room in the joint.

The 3-piece band used to be called the "Del-Rays" and then they changed it to the "Dazzling Del-Rays," and while they were certainly adequate, I think the "dazzling" part was a bit of a stretch. Their style was doo-wop, and their harmonies were a bit off. They opened with "I Love You More Today Than Yesterday," and then did a Neil Sedaka medley that included "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do," "Sweet Sixteen," and "Calendar Girl." I left after that, and got back to the apartment about 8:30. I am RSVP's for this group's outing to the art and music walk in downtown Fort Myers on Dec. 19.

Today is Sunday, and I returned to Fleamasters and finished my furniture shopping, buying a cafe table and chairs for the lanai, a coffee table, and a nightstand. I got my buddy, Wallace, to deliver all three pieces for $25, so the breakdown is as follows:

table and chairs: $50
coffee table: $25
nightstand: $40 (Thomasville, made of real wood)
delivery: $25

total: $140

Added to the previous total of $1,145, the total cost of furnishing/outfitting the apartment comes to $1,285.

I'll post pictures and/or a video once I have everything in place tomorrow. Feels good to have this chore out of the way, and I'm looking forward to enjoying the lanai now that I have a table/chairs out there.

Maintenance man is also coming tomorrow a.m. (along with the furniture delivery) to fix the toilet (needs a new flapper valve) and look at screens in the lanai to see if a more elegant solution can be found to the rips that I repaired with the duct tape. So we'll see what happens.

I'm currently watching the Packer/New England game on TV, and am planning a grocery store run at half time to get some Doritos.

That's all for now.



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