More Furniture; Hunger Games

My return trip to the Community Thrift Store (next to Planet Fitness) today paid off, as I found a cute little dresser for the bedroom. Actually, I think it's a nightstand to a really large dresser/nightstand pair, because the actual dresser was at the thrift store also, but they had each priced individually, so I think for $40, this "nightstand" will serve just fine as my dresser. I'm trying to keep things on the small side for easier moving/storage, or whatever. Anyway, the TV is now off the upside-down Rubbermaid tub, and the cable box and modem are off the floor. The Rubbermaid tub is now serving as a temporary nightstand, and I bought a lamp to go on top so I can now do some bedside reading.

Also scored a TV/entertainment stand from a craigslist seller in Estero (just south of the Fort Myers) which I picked up for $20 and have all set up in the living room. The scale is just right for the space I have. I'll post photos of both pieces on the next blog entry, because I don't have the dresser yet. I couldn't fit both pieces into the Prius, so the dresser is still at the thrift shop and I'll pick it up tomorrow.

Still looking for a recliner, but I contacted another craigslist seller tonight on a Lazy Boy, and am waiting to hear back. Things are coming along.

I also went to see the first installment of Mockingjay, the finale to The Hunger Games. The forecast called for T-storms today, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to see it. The storms have not materialized (yet), but it was still enjoyable, plus another ungodly hot/humid day (90 degrees) would have precluded a bike ride anyway. I scored a senior citizen ticket at $8.50 (the ticket lady never questioned me as to whether or not I was the required 60 years of age) and this time I smuggled in my own snacks --- a Caprisun juice pouch in one pocket, and a zip bag of Snyder's peanut butter pretzel sandwiches in the other. It felt a lot better than spending the $21.25 last time to see Interstellar. I thought the movie was quite good, although it was a bit weird to see Philip Seymour Hoffman. Now that the movie has gained quite a bit of "cred," I see they scored another big-name actor with Julianne Moore.

I phoned Pincher's Crab House to see about their hours on Thanksgiving day, and their location downtown by the Edison/Ford estate is going to be open, so I think that's where I'm going Thursday for a special meal ...  most likely stone crab.

Dawn, I would imagine you're getting excited about your departure to Little Rock. Looks like the entire Northeast coast is going to be messed up with a Nor'easter, so glad you are not heading there. I hope there is no "domino effect" that will mess up your air travel.

That's all for now.



  1. Too bad you couldn't throw our Lazy boy couch and recliner on the top of your car. It was free and in good condition. Thanks for all the updates.



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