A Movie for a Rainy Day

Tuesday Nov. 18 -- Rainy and low 60s

We in Fort Myers finished out yesterday with a tornado watch (though we were on the southern tip) and thunderstorms in the evening. I had Swedish meatballs over egg noodles for dinner. Watched a little TV on Netflix (including an episode of Breaking Bad) and then to bed.

Little can be done outside today, so I'm headed to the movie Interstellar at the Bell Tower Mall 20-plex cinema.

Just a few notes from yesterday:

* My label printing exercise at Office Depot was a good/bad news kind of thing. Good in that I got it done, and it cost only 48 cents to do four labels (2 per page). Bad news, I was there for almost half an hour with a guy who really didn't know the store's complicated printers. Plus, the computers at the print desk aren't really set up for open Internet; they are more for ordering stuff from the company's website and placing custom print orders. This was the same process they had 2 years ago when I was here, and I'm surprised (and not surprised I guess) that they haven't streamlined the process somehow.
I really hate the idea of buying a printer, but I may just buy a cheap laserjet at Walmart or someplace and then give the thing to Goodwill when I leave here. Damn, I hate to be wasteful, but I can't see spending 30 minutes (or more if the place is busy) at Office Depot every time I need a label. At least the printer would be recycled.

* Made a delicious burrito for lunch, repurposing ingredients from a couple other meals. I used hummus for the refried beans, smearing it on a large flour tortilla like peanut butter. Then a layer of rice from my leftover Jambalaya the other night, then a chicken breast strip that I sauteed in a pan and cut into pieces. Rolled 'er up, and had it with fresh pico de gayo  I bought at the market, and bingo ... one delicious burrito.

I note that Madison was at 8 degrees this morning when I check at around 8:30 (7:30 your time). Wondering if you guys set a record overnight? In Pensacola, it's 30 degrees now, so I'm glad I didn't
get it in my head that northern Florida and/or the panhandle might be a good place to winter! I just heard from my friend, Gene Johnson, who lives in Eagle Harbor, Michigan, right on the shore of Lake Superior, and they have 40 inches on the ground, and it's still coming down.

Bye for now,



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