Thanksgiving on the Beach

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I started out the morning with a fresh grapefruit (peeled and sectioned) and a strawberry banana smoothie. I then photographed some eBay lots, and then tuned into the Macy's parade on NBC. It got off to a bit of a slow start for me, with that song and dance number by Tony Danza from the Broadway musical Honeymoon in Vegas. My god, who told that guy he could sing? Or act, for that matter? But after that, it was most enjoyable, and I certainly thought the Madison Scouts hit it out of the park with their rendition of Happy just before Santa Claus' arrival.

By the way, I have to say Abby enjoys the new recliner, so much so that I have to boot her out occasionally. Also, she made it outside the confines of the lanai today, wedging her considerable bulk through a tear in the screen. So the lanai is now off limits until I can find a way to mend the tear ... probably a combination of duct tape and a few bricks lined up along the outside edge of the screen. She is quite the little Houdini if she puts her mind to it.

"I love my new chair. You can sit on the sofa, fuzzy guy."

After the parade, I had a light lunch of a chicken burrito prepared here at the apartment, along with a fruit fizz that I make with fruit juice concentrate and charged soda water that I make with my "Soda Stream" machine that I brought with me. The flavor for lunch was orange-pineapple.

I finished my eBay listings for triggering later tonight. Then, Dawn called to let me know she had arrived safely at the Comfort Inn in Little Rock. Flight and connection at O'Hare all went smoothly. They have a kitchen on premises at the Inn and will do a limited room service, so she thought that's what she would do, given that she was tired from the day's travel. Tomorrow is her big day at the Clinton Presidential Library, and deluxe steak dinner at a nice restaurant that she booked ahead of time. I hope all goes well for her during this much-needed retreat.

At about 4 p.m., I headed over to the beach to have dinner at the Pincher's Tiki Hut restaurant inside the Wyndham resort. I dined on stone crab on the patio, while they served a more traditional Thanksgiving buffet inside the covered restaurant. The place was hopping, and there were many people out walking the street barhopping and catching the live music at many places. So there are certainly many people who do not celebrate a "traditional" thanksgiving. I had the waiter snap a picture of me:

Nothing says Thanksgiving like a plate of stone crab!

I'm back at the apartment now, writing this blog entry, and will watch some TV, then head to bed. Tomorrow should be interesting. I'm doing an email blast to all my customers to notify them of 10 new watches I am adding to my website. I did this totally from here, using my Surface tablet computer versus the big desktop system back in Janesville. Hope it goes well, and that I sell out! I'll send out the blast just before departing for the Friday farmer's market at Lakes Park, and I am looking forward to riding my bicycle over there. It's going to be a relatively cool day (high of 65 degrees) but mostly sunny.

That's all for now.



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