Kitty Hiding Places

There is a false bottom on this credenza that serves as dresser/TV stand in my hotel room in Nashville. And Abby found a way to crawl inside it and do her impersonation of kitty Anne Frank. I looked for her everywhere last night, and feared she had snuck out the door during one of my unloading trips to the car. I searched the outside premises of the hotel to no avail. When I returned to my room and started eating my spaghetti, she crawled out from her hidey-hole, and gave me a look as if to say, "What? You been lookin' for me, fat boy?"

 So anyway, this morning she was there again, no doubt sensing another day of being on the road, being jostled around in her road case. I had breakfast at the next-door Waffle House, skipping the cold (and very sparse) continental breakfast in the sad, broom-closet-sized lobby of the motel where the clerk was encased in a booth of bullet resistant plastic. The ambiance at the Waffle House was much better. I had a pecan waffle, 2 eggs over medium, sausage patties, hash browns, and raisin toast.

This leg of journey today was broken up a bit with a stop at "Malone's Steak & Seafood" in south Atlanta, to have lunch with my friend Dan Denning and to do a little watch trading with him. He bought my lunch, and also eight watches and one watch band. I bought four watches from him. The restaurant was very nice, and I had their lunch-size rib eye (8 ounces) with mashed potatoes, a salad with bleu cheese dressing, and an ice tea. We were only together for a little over an hour because Dan had a prior obligation he had to attend to. But it was nice to see him and catch up. Here is a photo of him and me in the restaurant:

That's Dan on the left.

From south Atlanta, I hauled ass to Tifton, Georgia, to try and get here before dark. Didn't quite make it, but close. I didn't quite remember on the journey, but as I approached and saw the signs for the Adcock Pecan Company, I remembered stopping here before three years ago to pick up pecans as gifts for the family. The motel, another Day's Inn, is right off the ramp from Interstate 75, so it's very congested around here, but the room is very nice, and about half again as big as last night's room in Nashville.

Total drive time today was 8.5 hours, including the stop for lunch. The Prius did a little better on gas mileage today -- 50 mpg -- because the winds had died down. The drive between Nashville and Chattanooga through the southern Appalachian Mountains is just beautiful, and Dawn I know you will really enjoy this if you get a chance to go to Chattanooga with me for the 2015 national watch convention in Chattanooga.

I picked up some cold cuts and a loaf of bread from the mini-mart across the parking lot, and made myself a sandwich for dinner. Didn't want much more than that with the fairly large lunch.

My king size bed is up on a frame, so Abby has stationed herself underneath, and I fear a possible game of cat-and-fuzzy-guy tomorrow morning trying to get her into the cat carrier.

Well, I am once again beat from a day of driving, so it's going to be an early night.



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