Starting to Get Settled

Hi everyone. I arrived Fort Myers about 4 p.m. Wednesday, met my neighbor, Karen (whose husband, Randy, was on his way home) and unpacked the Prius. An initial inspection of the apartment revealed I need everything, right down to the shower curtain. I cranked the AC down to 68 to get the hot sticky air out of the apartment. The first thing I noticed was hundreds of ants crawling along one of the baseboards. I started a mental list of the repairs to report to the landlord, which eventually came to include a new shower head and fix/replace the vertical blind on the living room patio door.

Here is a short video tour of the apartment, in its rather naked state. This was taken Friday morning. Forgive the rather crude quality; it's my first attempt not only making a video, but uploading it to my blog.

If the above video won't play, or does not appear, try going to the link I'll give you in a moment. The file is stored on a remote server. When you click on the link, your computer will ask if you want to "open" the file or "save" it. Chose "open," and the video should play on your computer's default video viewer. The link is here.
The washer/dryer is pulled out because Abby jumped down into the tiny space behind the unit and got stuck there for an entire day, and I had to pull the unit out in order to free her. So I have to figure out some type of blockade ... probably to be fashioned from cardboard and duct tape.
Anyway, back to Wednesday night. After inflating my temporary bed, my first order of business was some dinner, which was at the Lazy Flamingo, just around the corner from me. I had a grilled Grouper sandwich with fries and slaw, washed down with a Rolling Rock.
Next, I went to the Walmart Neighborhood Market, and then to Target, to pick up some very basic necessities, including a few groceries, a shower curtain and hooks, 2 waste baskets and liners, ant baits, and a Dust Buster to vacuum up ants and kitty litter. The apartment is less than a mile from my place at Sandalwood two years ago, so I am pretty familiar with the neighborhood. All within a mile are two grocery stores (the other one being a Publix), a CVS Pharmacy for my meds, gas station, and a Chase Bank branch. And my business mail box is just up the street on McGregor Blvd.
I woke up Thursday morning, drove to the McDonalds up the street and got a cup of coffee, and brought it back to the apartment and made a fried egg sandwich. I then called Bob Biasotti, the landlord, with my list of repairs, and he said his maintenance man would call me, which he did.
At about 8:15, the installer from Comcast arrived, and proceeded to install my Internet and basic cable. Big surprise with the 40 inch Vizio flat screen replacement TV that I hauled all the way to Florida before checking the contents of the box: The box contained ONLY the TV screen. Apparently, when I returned the defective Vizio TV, I was supposed to keep the stand, the power cord, the remote control, and the Quick Start Guide. I returned all that stuff with the old unit to Vizio.
As a result, the installer was unable to hook the cable to the TV. I was forced to call Vizio's parts supplier and order the accessories in question at a cost of $129. They are supposed to arrive some time next week. What a kick in the rear, but it's my own fault for not opening the box and inspecting the contents when it was delivered to me in Janesville. Because right inside the box was a note saying that only the monitor was supplied and that I was to keep the base unit, power cord, remote, etc., from the defective unit. Amy, if you are reading this, your words ring in my ears that I should have opened the box and inspected the contents!
The rest of Thursday was spent running around, buying additional stuff for the apartment. The best deal of the day was at the Salvation Army Thrift store, where I bought eight drinking glasses and a serrated bread knife, all for $3.25.
After that, I had lunch at a TGI Fridays. Not my favorite place, but it was located next door to a Bed Bath & Beyond, which was my next stop. At TGI's, I had a "pick two" lunch special for $6.99, and my choices were a house salad with bleu cheese dressing, and two corned beef/Swiss cheese sliders with fries.
Next, I dropped about $120 at Bed Bath & Beyond, saving about $28 with my 20% coupon. I bought a toaster, Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker, a second pillow, a set of bath towels, and a few miscellaneous kitchen items. I passed on a microwave oven and cordless floor sweeper there because I thought their prices were quite high, even with the 20% coupon. (Sure enough, later in the day I found the same exact Mr. Coffee for $10 less than BB&B, so I basically paid $8 more for the coffee maker after factoring in the 20% discount. Moral of the story: The discount department stores are way cheaper than BB&B, even with their 20% discount coupon!)
By this time, I was kind of running out of steam. The temps were in the mid 80s Thursday (and again today), and I'm not quite acclimated yet, so it was kind of sapping my energy. So I headed back to my neighborhood, stopping at the CVS to switch over my prescriptions, the Publix to pick up a few more groceries, and gassed up the Prius. Perhaps most importantly, I stopped the Publix liquor store and bought a 1.75 liter bottle of tequila and some Margarita mix.
Back at the apartment, I finally freed Abby from her prison behind the washer/dryer when I heard her mewing. After vacuuming another batch of ants, I prepared myself a big ol' Margarita and relaxed in my one and only chair. For dinner, I had chilled shrimp with cocktail sauce, and a helping each of macaroni salad and cole slaw from the Publix deli. For dessert, I made a small pot of coffee in my new Mr. Coffee, and had that with some praline pecans that I had picked up in Georgia. I watched a couple of shows on Netflix, using my tablet computer (in lieu of a television), and then hit the sack.
It's now Friday. The ant population does seem to be dissipating between the bait traps, and washing a spot on floor with Spic 'n' Span where I believe something sticky was spilled (before I arrived) and not completely cleaned up. Hopefully, the tiny buggers will be eradicated after Alan (the maintenance man) sprays today. I asked Randy (next door) about the ants, and he says he's got them, also, and sprays about every three months with an Ortho product called "Home Defense Max." I guess it's simply something I'll have to live with in this particular complex (I didn't have this issue at Sandalwood) and gallon containers of the stuff (with sprayer wand) are only about $15 at Home Depot. Randy also cautioned me to keep the kitchen clean, free of crumbs, and especially not to leave anything sweet exposed on the counters, cupboards, or floors.
 Anyway, for breakfast, I had a smoothie (prepared with the Vitamix blender I hauled down here), a slice of toast (with my new toaster) with peanut butter, and coffee.
I'm sitting in the local Starbucks typing this blog entry because I have no table/chairs in the apartment yet. I have two goals today: To get a small table and a couple chairs, and also to buy a bed, hopefully from a place that delivers. I'm missing the Friday farmer's market at Lake's Park, and also the Fleamaster's Flea Market (to look for a bicycle), but those things will have to wait for the time being. I must prioritize!
If you've made it to the end of this blog entry, I congratulate your patience. This is a large task outfitting a living quarters from scratch, even one as small as this!


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