Avoiding the Black Friday Mayhem

Friday: I started the day with a bike ride to Lakes Park (my first major bike ride since arriving here) for the Friday farmer's market, and was greeted with the first strawberries of the season. I bought a pint for $2.50 and ate them along with a raspberry danish and a good strong cup of Joe from the coffee vendor there. All very delicious. Faced a helluva head wind on the ride back to the apartment, but made it, and now I have my workout done for the day!

I sent out my "email blast" to my customers announcing 10 new watches on the website, wired in three prescriptions via computer to the CVS pharmacy, then headed over to the Fleamasters flea market to see what I could find. I talked with a couple of the watch vendors there, and bought a watchband from one of the guys for $12, and got him to loosen the back of one of my vintage watches at no extra charge. A nice fellow, but no vintage watches for sale. I had lunch at the one of the food vendors called "A Taste of Maine" and had fried Grouper fingers with fries and slaw, and a diet Coke, all for under $10, and it was very tasty. For dessert, I went a crepe place and had a strawberry crepe, but it wasn't very good because they use a strawberry pie filling and not fresh strawberries. Yuck! So I took half of it home along with some fresh strawberries from one of the produce vendors, and made it into a proper crepe for dessert later along with my dinner of a sloppy Joe and potato salad. Other than the strawberries, I didn't buy too much. Saw a patio set I might go back and look at, but just wasn't in the mood for hauling today!

Stopped at the CVS pharmacy on the way back and picked up my meds ... nice to have that web feature, they even send me a text when my meds are ready. Back at the house, I duct-taped the shit out of those rips in the screen so Abby can go out there and hopefully not escape into the back yard. Plus keeps the insects and those little lizards from getting in (Abby has captured and killed one of those already!).

I checked my email inbox, and found that I only sold one of the 10 watches that I posted on the website this morning. This was a disappointment because I put a lot of time and effort into this. Might try some price reductions next week, and of course there is always eBay, though I prefer to sell on my own website.

I signed up with a website called meetup, which lists all sorts of clubs and organizations that meet in cities all across the U.S. I found a group called "Singles and Couples 40 and over in Southwest Florida." They hold social activities for people who simply want to get out and have fun. They meet at clubs, restaurants, comedy clubs, and even organize cruises! It is not a dating club, but there have been couples who have gotten together as a result of the club's activities. I signed up for an "art and music walk" in downtown Ft. Myers on Dec. 19. I will also try to meet the group organizer before then and introduce myself. They are meeting tonight (Saturday) at a club called "Cadillac Jack's" for a performance by a doo-wop band. This particular "meet up" is already full, but I may go and introduce myself to "Ed" (the leader of this group) and show ID (required to finalize membership).

OK, today is Saturday, and I started with a nice breakfast of a ham and Havarti cheese omelet, home fries, toast, fresh grapefruit, and coffee. Dropped a couple packages at the pack-n-mail place and picked up my mail which consisted of two bills (car insurance, car loan) which I paid online. Need to list a couple of eBay items, then I'm off on a bike ride on the canal trail, that includes a stop at Sun Harvest Citrus, home of free orange and grapefruit juice samples, and some of the best key lime pie slices around. I'd better get going!



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