The Best Five Dollar Cruise Anywhere

Wednesday Nov. 12 – I’m sitting at a dock at Fort Myers Beach, waiting to board the “Big M” gambling ship, for a $5 half-day cruise out onto the ocean. It’s one of the best deals in Fort Myers, in my opinion. Of course, it costs you more if you eat, and especially if you gamble! But I play a little lo-stakes blackjack and a few slots, and have a good time, and just spend the rest of the cruise on the outdoor lounge. I even packed a light lunch of a tuna salad kit and an energy bar, so I can probably get by with just a hotdog or something from the snackbar.
Yesterday (Tuesday) the maintenance man came at 9 a.m. and resolved all my issues. This was a good feeling. Now, I have a proper shower head. The ants seem to have disappeared, so he did not spray, per my request, and if I see ants the guy recommended I use a product called “Taro,” which is organic and not harmful to pets. It’s a syrupy substance that comes in a small shallow tub, and you just leave it out where the ants are congregating. They scoop it up, take it back to the hive, feed it to the Queen, and the ants supposedly go away.

After that, I went to Planet Fitness for a workout, but first stopped at a community thrift store right next to PF and bought a floor lamp for $10, and I just have to put a new socket on it. After the workout and shower/shave, I went to T. J. Maxx and bought a nice comforter for the bed for $70. Then, back to the apartment and got changed into my one good outfit, because I have a dinner invite from Karen Campbell, Dawn’s good friend, who lives in Naples with her significant other, Craig.
We have 6:30 reservations at a place called The Turtle Club, located on the water in North Naples, one of Karen’s faves. I set the GPS to the address, and with the rush hour traffic took me a little over an hour to get there, mostly to get out of Fort Myers and onto I-75. The GPS wanted to take me on Highway 41 (aka Tamiami Trail), but I had a bad experience there before with terrible traffic, so I opted for the Interstate.

After valet parking the car, I had a vodka gimlet at the bar. The place was packed on a Tuesday night. Karen arrived about 30 min. after me, apologized for being late (no problem) and we were escorted to our table. We had a nice waiter by the name of Vinnie who took very good care of us. We started with wine (Karen) and Mojito (me). Karen ordered lobster bisque and a pear/Gorgonzola salad. I ordered seared sea scallops in a mild chili glaze, and for the starched I asked to substitute a hash they had prepared that evening to go with one of the specials … made with potatoes, corn, bacon, and fresh tomatoes. Very yummy. For dessert, I had chocolate cake so big I took half home, with coffee. Karen had key lime pie. We split the bill down the middle, which I didn’t think was fair being Karen didn’t have an entrée, but Karen insisted. Came to $55 apiece, plus tip, plus $5 tip for the valet. Worth every penny. Here is a shot of Karen and I:

Today promises to be another beauty, weather-wise. Some are having breakfast in the dining room (second level on the ship) but I’m on the top deck writing, and I also have a book and Kindle. When we got a couple miles out into the gulf, they opened the casino. I sat at the $5 blackjack table, and in 10 minutes I was up $42.50 on a stake of $50, so I decided to quit while ahead.  I’m on the top deck, having finished my tuna salad and crackers, washed down with a $1 coca cola from the bar. Enjoying the sun, warm temps, and gentle rolling of the ship.
Back at the apartment now. My parts for the Vizio TV arrived, so I’ll be putting the stand together this evening and firing it up to see if I get the cable channels and my Internet subscriptions. I’m pretty stoked about that. I also bought a floor lamp and the damn socket decided to give out, so I bought a replacement socket at the Ace Hardware (for $6) and fixed my $10 lamp, now having $16 invested.

I’m eating at this deli right by my place called “Crave” where I had brunch the other morning. I’m having a roast beef and cheese sub, with a Coke. I’m pretty hungry having just eaten an energy bar and a tuna salad kit on the cruise. It’s been a beautiful day.



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