Julie Leaves

Tuesday Jan. 17
Today is a “light day” as far as activities go. We have to keep our eyes on the clock because I must get Julie to the airport at between 4 and 4:30 for her 6 p.m. flight back to Milwaukee. Isn’t it amazing (in that frustrating sort of way) that you spend 3 to 4 times the amount of time PREPARING for a flight, than what the actual flight time is? I mean, here we have this magnificent airplane that can get you from Fort Myers to Milwaukee in 3 hours, once you're actually in the air. But it basically sucks up an entire day:
  • drive to the airport;
  • park at the airport;
  • stand in to do your ticketing and check your bag
  • clear security
  • load the passengers
  • unload the passeners
  • pick up your bag
  • pick up your car (or rental), and
  • get to your final destination (which for Julie is another 3 hour drive from Milwaukee to Stevens Point).
Is it any wonder more and more people are driving instead of flying when the destination is under 500 miles?
So anyway, after breakfast, Julie wants to check out this quilt shop in North Fort Myers called the “The Quilt Lovers Hangout,” which is run by a couple of ladies. I have no interest, but there is a “Books A Million” bookstore not far from there, so I turn Julie loose and head over the bookstore.
The bookstore is in the Edison Mall, at Cleveland (U.S. Highway 41) and Winkler, a major intersection. They have just moved from another mall, so it takes a bit of finding, but I finally get there. Very nice store. Nicely lit. Wide aisles. Nice selection of bargain books. I don’t buy anything, but have a fun time browsing. Next, I head to the food court in the mall, and decide on a light snack of a hot dog at a place called Markus’ Burgers. I get it to my table, and it is awful. I think the weiner is OK, but the bun tastes like it is about 2 weeks old. As part of my “accept no bad food policy,” effective 1/1/2012, I take it back to the counter and ask for my money back They apologize and give me my $2.79 back. I then go next door and apply the $2.79 to a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich at Charley’s Steakery. Much better.  I get one one bite into it, and Julie calls on the cell phone and says she is ready. I finish my Philly Steak and head back to the quilt shop, and pick her up. She has a bag full of stuff, and as I recall spent around $25.
We head to Publix by the condo, and Julie gets a sub made to order from the deli. I pick up a little rare roast beef from the deli, and a small “pretzel roll” from the bakery. We take the stuff back to the condo, and the little pretzel roll makes a great and “just right size” sandwich. Julie takes one last walk around the condo to make sure she has everything, then we load up the Prius and I take her to the airport. It’s been a great time, and now I am back on my own. I go to the gym for a workout because I need to make up some “gym time.” Back at the condo, and I text Julie to make sure she got to Milwaukee OK. She she she was randomly selected at security in Ft. Myers for a more thorough screening, which included a pat-down. Made her feel all warm and fuzzy (not!)
I have a bowl of cereal, and then to bed.
Expenses: lunch, $5; groceries, $10. Total: $15


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