Another (And Final For Now) First Date

Saturday January 8
Today I have a third "first date" with another woman, and this is it for now. This is a lunch date, and we're supposed to meet at an upscale grocery market at a nearby mall, and the woman is supposed to pick me up in her Jaguar and take me the rest of the way to the restaurant, because she says it's in the back of the mall and it's hard to find. This is a mall just kind of down the road from me the Bell Tower Shops at Daniels Road and Highway 41, close and easy to find.
So I'm standing outside the grocery store, and this Ford Escape (or Explorer; I always get those two confuse) and my date rolls down the passenger window and asks me if I'm looking for a woman from match dot com, and I recognize her and climb into her SUV. Of course the first thing I ask her is what happened to the blue Jag, and she says she is visiting her horse after our date (I didn't know she had a horse; she didn't include that info in her profile) and she didn't want to take the Jag to the horse farm where the road is dusty and bumpy and risk breaking something on the Jag because  as it turns out she is trying to sell it. (She wants $9K for it, and says she's spent $16K on it in the last two years maintaining it!)
So we have a delicious lunch at the seafood place in the back of the mall, and afterward we take a little walk around the mall and poke our heads into a couple of the stores, including an art gallery where they have very expensive art on the walls. And also a cake bakery where I pick up a couple of mini cupcakes, and a "Brookstone" store where I pick up a keychain with a light on it. She drives me back to my Prius, parked by the market at the front of the mall, and part ways with a handshake. Not sure there will be a repeat date with this woman or not. She seems to be a little out of my league in the "net worth" department, but we'll see.
I have a nice workout at the gym, and by the time I'm out, it's dark out and I really don't feel like cooking tonight. I'm kind of hungry for bbq, so I call a local place called "Sonny's," and they do take out, so I order a nice pulled pork platter with a side of baked beans and coleslaw, and a slab of cornbread, and take it back to the condo and have it with a cold beer I have in the fridge, and it's all very delicious.
Expenses: lunch: $20; cupcakes $4; dinner $8. Total: $32


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