Crab Legs and Catwoman

Tuesday Jan. 3

Fixed myself a nice Denver omelet for breakfast, then head over to the gym for a nice workout. They have a really neat recumbent exercise bike there by the name of "Expresso," and once you hit a few buttons on the touch screen, you find yourself riding a bike on your choice of virtual "trails," including one called "Evening Bliss" which I choose. The ride takes you along a bikepath out in the country as the sun is setting. There are some gentle inclines, and as you ride "through" these, the pressure on the bike pedals automatically increases! It's sort of like "exercise bike meets Playstation" or something along those lines. Anyway, it is very cool, and I am "hooked," but of courrse there is only one of those machines. But fortunateey, I can come at slow hours. And to be honest, the club is mostly filled with senior citizens who I don't think could figure it out anyways.

This afternoon (4 p.m.) is my first date with a match dot com prospect. I have debated whether or not to include this stuff in my blog or not. Obviously, it is part of my overall "adventure" here this winter, and part of the reason I came here ... to hopefully find a nice Florida woman who hopefully wouldn't mind spending a little time with me in Wisconsin during the non-winter season. So I guess it would be silly to try and pretend none of these meetings did not take place. But I also think it would be foolish to go into great detail, if for no other reason than taking the chance that these women would read about one another and get pissed off over seeing their names being used,the "fine details" of our meetings, and my impressions (good or bad) of them.

So here goes: First date is with a woman who is quite playful and likes to let her inner "catwoman" come out and play once in a while. So she meets me at the agreed-upon time at a local seafood place, and she's enters the restaurant dressed in near-full catwoman regalia (everything except the mask). She really quite blew me away. We had a fun evening (causing a little stir in the dining room), and had great food and a great waitress. We ordered a pail of peel-and-eat shrimp, a dinner of crab legs, and a side of hush puppies, which we all share, along with a slab of keylime pie for dessert. For drinks, I have two "Blue Moon" beers which they have on tap. All very yummy. I pick up the check, which is $68 plus I leave a $14 tip.

Expenses today: $20, groceries; $82 dinner. Total: $102



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