First Full Day in Ft. Myers

Monday Jan. 2

I wake to sunshine and warm temps. After a full breakfast, I go over to the Walmart "Neighborhood Market" and buy needed supplies, including a new change of litter for kitties.

I look for a local produce market, and find a neat place on College Blvd. just a stone's throw from me. It turns out to be a Korean War era Quonset hut, with goats grazing in their backyard, and it's called "Pitts Produce." I walk in, and the first thing I see is a large, 8 foot tall bookshelf filled with books with a sign that reads, "Free Books for our Customers. Limit Three." So I scan the shelves and find a near perfect condition hardcover copy of Thomas Harris's "Hannibal," which I have not read yet. So I put the grab on that one, and start looking for produce. I go over to the checkout with four grapefruit, one green pepper, and one vine ripened tomato for $3.25 and walk out with all the produce and a $28 hard cover book. You gotta love that!

I search on internet and find an Any Time Fitness just 0.5 miles from me. I call to find out if they have showers and locker rooms, and have to leave message. Fortunately, "Shauntay" calls me right back and says affirmative, a sign of good fortune because I know not all these places have facilities for me to clean up after my workout. Which is a necessary feature, because after a workout, I look like I've been through a carwash, and I simply cannot get into the Prius in the condition I become and have the Prius start smelling like a 1960s men's locker room. I head over there with my gym bag, and Shauntay turns out to be a very nice low-pressure kind of gal, and even lets me do a workout before giving me the sales pitch. I have a very nice workout, and cleanup, and Shaunty gives me the low down: $182 for three months, plus a $20 deposit for the keyfob. I say "giddy-up" and now I'm a member of the Ft. Myers Any Time Fitness club.

For some reason, I am hungry for scallops, and I find a nice bag of frozen ones at the local market, and saute them in some butter and finish with lemon and a little white wine. I have that with a rice pilaf and a salad that I procure from the corner McD's.

Monday is also "Pawn Stars" marathon night on History Channel, along with a new episode. And Heather has deluxe cable, so I'm all set and I indulge my passion for one of the few shows on TV that I watch. I am in my lounging shorts and TV, with cold soda in hand and kitties by my side. Life is good.



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