Back in Miami

Friday Jan. 13
We wake up in our cabin a little earlier than usual – 6:30. I am so glad I have brought my little alarm clock that I bought in Orlando back in December.  It has proven handy since there are no windows in the cabin to give you a clue what time it is. The ship provides wake up calls, but I kind of don't like them, especially since the phone is not within arm's reach of the beds. We have breakfast in the dining room rather than the Windjammer Buffet. The Buffet is typically jammed with people on departure day with people. And most of these folks are toting their suitcases with them, making it darned near impossible to maneuver through the seating area. So for about the last three cruises, I’ve done the final breakfast in the dining room, and this is a much more civil experience. We leave the ship about 8:30 and pick up our shuttle for the offsite parking in pretty fast order. The Prius survived the five days/four nights in the open parking lot just fine, and soon we are headed on I-95, then I-75 back to Ft. Myers, arriving about 1 p.m. or thereabouts. We got our luggage stowed away, then head  over to Pitts Farm Market for some citrus, and Julie buys some honey as well. Then, over to the Publix for some groceries. I got a rotisserie chicken at the Walmart Neighborhood market (they looked better there than at the Publix) and we had it for dinner. Julie had a baked sweet potato as her side, and I had beans, potato salad, and cole slaw procured from the Publix Deli. We watch a little TV while Julie knits. I do a big load of laundry from the cruise. We head off to bed pretty early because we were both tired from getting up early and the drive.
Expenses: groceries and produce: $30


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