New Shorts and Swimsuit

Monday 12/19
We seem to have a shortage of cats and kittens today at the shelter. I think they did one of those “off site” adoptions this weekend at one of the Pet Smarts in the Orlando area, and it must have been very successful. Both the cat condo and the general cat population area are about half full. Still, though, lots of cats, and I busy myself with socializing them and cleaning their cages. I sign off on several adoption forms, but how many of these actually go out the door I do not know because these sign-offs (showing the office staff that Introduced the cat to the prospective owner) are late in the day, and sometimes the paperwork can take up to an hour depending on how busy the up front office is. I do have one touching story: a woman who appeared to be in her late 30s or early 40s came in looking for a white cat (more like an 8-month kitten) who was in a cardboard box nursing 4 kittens of her own, and someone had left the entire box by the side of some road. She took the time to bring mom and 4 babies to the shelter. This was on Friday. She came back today to check up on them, and couldn’t find them and was almost distraught because she thought we had euthanized the whole batch. I finally found them with the help of another shelter worker in the “nursing” area of the shelter which is off limits to general visitors. When I finally unite the lady with the beautiful white cat and her white young ones (who were all nursing at momma's belly), the lady knelt down by the cage and looked at the momma and said, “I told you I would save you,” and then she started to cry. The shelter worker told the lady they were looking for someone to foster momma and her kittens over the holidays, and some shelter employee had offered, but it hadn’t been approved yet. They lady said if the approval didn’t go through, she would take them and foster them. Before I left the room, I looked into the cage and said, “Merry Christmas, kitties.”
I went the gym after my shift and realized I could not change into my workout clothes because I forgot the bring a pair of shorts. So off to the Target store (right next door) to buy a new pair of workout shorts, which is OK anyway because all mine are too big. I also pop for a new swim suit since I’ve been swimming in regular shorts up to this point in the trip, and they just don’t work very well. So this runs me $36 and delays the start of the workout, but it’s OK. The workout shorts are a “large,” and had plenty of stretch room, and I can’t even remember the last time I was in a “large.”
I was going to cook beef noodle soup tonight, but I get back to the condo so late (around 9) that I just don’t have the energy. So I thaw a few shrimp and eat them with cocktail sauce along with the rest of the potato salad from the night before. I also whip up a nice large margarita in the blender. I am exhausted, and hit the sack around 10 p.m.
Expenses: clothes: $36


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