Greek Food and Sherlock Holmes

Friday 12/16

I need to get my eBay packages mailed today, especially since all three are international destinations. I start by locating a Fed Ex/Kinkos office center, because I have no printer with me. The closest one is located in a giant Marriott hotel/convention center about 6 miles away. I head over there, and thankfully they are not very busy there because there are no conventions going on this close to Christmas. I get my labels printed, and the printing plus the computer time (about 10 minutes) comes to around $8. I know that sounds like a lot, but it’s still cheaper in my mind than going out and buying a printer and paying for toner cartridges and lugging the damn printer around. Next, I head over to post office. And despite near bedlam conditions in the lobby, I actually get in and out pretty quickly.
I need to overcome my phobia of the infamous International Drive (called I-Drive by the folks down here). Ever since Dawn and I had that hair-raising experience last winter of going to the Oceannaire seafood restaurant (excellent though the meal was) I have avoided I-Drive like a Pakistani cab driver avoids the bathtub. So I decide to visit Pointe Orlando and take my massage therapist’s advice and access it via Universal Boulevard. This works like a charm. I sail about 2 miles along Universal Blvd., then cut over by the Convention Center (left) onto Pointe Plaza Ave., then one block up and right on I-Drive, and BOOM, I am there. It’s not very busy today because It’s only 11 a.m., and there are no conventions going on, at least not any sizeable ones. I pull into the parking garage, and score a slot on the first level.
I take a look around the place to get my bearings, and I revisit the Oceannaire and give Dawn a quick “guess where I’m calling from” message on her answering machine. Next, I buy a $8.50 ticket at the Regal 20 cineplex to see “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” and it is immensely entertaining, and the theater only has about 20 people for the noon show. That’s surprising to me since it’s opening day, and the movie has received a lot of hype. But, hey, it’s OK with me. Noomi Repace is great as the gypsy woman, and she kicks butt in the movie. Jared Harris is a great villain playing professor Moriarty. My only disappointment was they killed off Irene Adler  (Rachel McAdams) fairly early in the movie, and I really liked her character and thought she had good chemistry with Downey’s Holmes.
After the flick, I visit “Opa,” which is the Greek restaurant my massage therapist told me about. It’s about 2:30 at this point, and I’m the only one seated in the restaurant, which as many of you know can be both a good and bad thing. My waitress got my beverage (iced tea) and order right away … a Gyro platter which comes with the sandwich and fries. My food came up quickly and was piping hot, but then my gal basically forgot about me and went off to a corner folding napkins with her back to me. It was nothing life or death or anything like that, but I would have liked some ketchup for my fries. The meal itself was good, though I thought they were a little stingy on the gyro meat. The bill came to $15,and I just left the obligatory 15% tip. I was thinking of taking Dawn to this place, but I’m glad I tried it out first. It was good, but nothing to rave about. I’ll bet the joint is jumping when they have a big convention in town and the belly dancers come out.
I exit Pointe Orlando, pay my parking ($6) and head back to the condo, feeling a little more confident now about navigating I-Drive. I head back to the condo, pack my gym bag, and head off to the fitness center. I’ve been fighting a little queasiness in my stomach all day today, and I don’t know what’s quite up with that, but I try to shake it off. I have a good workout and swim, and then stop at the Super Target afterward for some milk and other needed supplies, including a bag of dry kitty food because I’m almost out, going through my first 4-pound bag in about 2 weeks. I get back to the condo, and decide to just have a little cereal with milk for my supper. I hit the sack around 10 p.m.
Expenses: movie: $9; lunch with tip $17; parking $6; groceries: $21 total: $53



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