Arrival in Orlando

Thursday Dec. 1 – Arrival in Orlando
Had breakfast in Drury hotel lobby (included with the room). The whole deal at the Drury cost me $88, which included a nice room, a manager's reception with three cocktails, and a hot breakfast.. I think that's the best deal I got. They did not charge extra for the kitties, nor did they require a deposit.
I got the luggage and the kitties packed up, and hit the road about 10 a.m. for the final 385 miles to Orlando. Made just a couple of stops to pee and comfort the kitties. At one of the stops, I made a sandwich from leftovers I had broght along, so once again there were no meal expenses.
I stopped at a service plaza on the Florida tollway and bought a Sunpass so I can zip through the toll booths during the months ahead.
I got to the condo at about 4:45 p.m. The Villa Medici condo complex is on a busy east-west corridor through Orlando (north of downtown) called Conroy Road. My unit is on the second floor. I got the girls moved in and my bags brought up, and stowed the perishables in the fridge. Sylvia Restrepo, a Realtor who represents the couple who own this condo, met me at the unit at about 6 p.m., and I gave her a check for the balance due on December’s rent, which was $1,500. With the $300 good faith deposit I made, the rent comes to $1,800, or a little less than $60 per day.
The unit is plenty big for my needs, with about 900 square feet, 2 bedrooms, and two full bathrooms. The best thing is, I have it ALL to myself, and do not have to share it with anyone, like I did last year at the "Disney Dormitory" with 2 (and sometimes 3) Disney cast members.
I set up the litter boxes in the 2nd bedroom. I can re-arrange this for when Dawn visits so she doesn't have to put with the smell, and she can close her door.
The unit is a little light on the furniture, with only a Futon to sit on the living room. There is a generous size kitchen table, with wraparound seating (kind of like a booth). Both bedrooms have beds, side tables, and dressers. The kitchen is modestly outfitted with the basics. There is no blender, so looks like I’ll have to buy one of those for my smoothies.
I made a dinner out of leftovers I brought in the cooler. I had a cheeseburger, some pretzels, and some decaf coffee that I made in the couple’s French Press, which serves as their “coffee pot” along with an electric teakettle to heat the water.
I then headed over to a Publix market about a mile from my place to get some basics, including milk for cereal and smoothies, eggs, cold meat, cheese, and some soda pop and a few other things. Made it back to the condo in time to watch Parks and Recreation, The Office, and Whitney, all part of the NBC Thursday night comedy lineup, which is about the only night I watch network TV. I popped up a bowl of microwave popcorn and had it with some Diet Coke, and finished up with a Maker’s Mark nightcap before heading to bed. I was bushed! I think the kitties were glad to finally be in a room that doesn’t move!
Gas: $25
Sunpass: $5
Groceries: $28
Total: $58


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