Under the Weather

Feeling kind of crappy as I write this latest blog entry. I've been in good health since arriving here Nov. 3, and wouldn't you know I'd get the crud just before my cruise which departs in four days. I think it's bronchitis, and it started Saturday 1/7. I think I'm over the hump, with Sunday being the worst. Been drinking lots of fluids, resting, and taking Mucinex in pill form to help loosen the cough. This a.m., I went out for breakfast after taking a nice long hot shower, got a couple shipments ready for the post office, and will plan/execute something for dinner for (sister) Dawn and I. That will be about it!

The crud notwithstanding, it's been a good and productive past week. I re-opened my website on Jan. 2 for a limited time to showcase some consignments I received from one of my best customers. I was going to abstain from doing any business while down here, but this poor fellow is in desperate need of funds for medical expenses, so I agreed to help. I was very pleased with the results. The website performed flawlessly after being in "sleep mode" for two months. So a shout-out to (niece) Kris for making me such an awesome website!

I have also sold all 11 copies of my book (Hamilton Wristwatches: A Reference Guide) that I brought down here with me, so just ordered another 13 copies from lulu.com to have on hand, especially for the upcoming watch show in Lakeland (Fla.) where I hope to sell a few copies.

Also, I finished my PowerPoint presentation on "Elgin Wristwatches from the Roaring '20s" for the talk I'm giving at Lakeland. I should be able to get multiple use out of this for other talks and maybe even an article.

On New Years Day, Dawn and I took a lovely drive to Capitva Island and had early dinner at the Bubble Room. Soup (She-Crab), house salad, bread, and Orange Crunch Cake for dessert. All very yummy, and a nice way to kick off the New Year.

On Tuesday Jan. 3, I attended a lecture at the Edison/Ford Winter Estate Museum on Edison phonographs. It was presented by John Kurdyla, who owns the world's largest private collection of Edison phonographs and memorabilia. John divides his time between Florida, and San Martin, Italy, in the Padua Province near Venice. So he must be doing fairly well! I got to speak with him before and after his lecture, and was so intrigued that I bought a used copy of his book (When Music Was Magic) on Abebooks.com.

On Friday, Dawn and met up with Karen and Craig, friends of Dawn, at the Big Blue Brewing Company in Cape Coral. This is the brewery/gastro-pub by my friends who operate the Wicked Dolphin Rum Distillery, Dawn had a burger, while I had a beef brisket sandwich on Texas toast. All very good, and it was nice catching up with Karen and Craig.

Weather finally cooled off a bit here after weeks of excess heat. And of course, it REALLY cooled off this past weekend with the big winter storm that wreaked havoc on the Eastern Coast. After a big thunderstorm on Saturday a.m., the mercury started to drop. We got as low as the mid 40s on Sunday, which I know is nothing to you folks back in Wisconsin, but everybody down here was freaking out.

Well, (sister-in-law) Julie arrives tomorrow (1/10) at about 5 p.m. to spend Wednesday here, then we leave on Thursday to spend the night in Ft. Lauderdale, and our cruise departs Friday the 13th. I'll maintain a journal "offline" while on the ship, and upload it to the blog as opportunity permits.

Bye for now,



  1. Ach...getting sick is the worst. I am also down for the count. Norovirus. Can't keep anything down or in. Enough said. The cruise sounds lovely. Enjoy!

  2. Do hope you recover and enjoy the cruise. Will look forward to photos and text. Bon voyage.


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