Cruise update Jan. 19

Jan. 18 After finishing my walk in Roseau St. Kitts (including buying a hula shirt), I went back to the ship and changed in swim suit and took a refreshing dip in the salt water pool. Lunch of roast beef sandwiches and lemonade in the Jammer. Reading “Reliquary”, then a nice little afternoon nap. Dinner of cilantro crusted cod was not the best …fish was OK, but had to scrape off the breading. Cherries Jubilee for dessert made up for it! Lost $50 in the casino tonight … DAMN! That's 3 losing nights in a row after a stellar 2-night winning streak for $150. Show tonight was a ventriloquist/comedian, and he was very funny! Read some more of my book in the stateroom then fell asleep.

Jan. 19. Up at 7 a.m. and breakfast in the 'Jammer of corn beef hash with three over easy eggs. Left ship 10 a.m. for St. John's Antigua. Did a little walking tour with Julie, stopped at a bakery and had a sweet roll to sample some local pastry. OK, not great, and no coffee. Now sitting in “Cheers” a pier bar, sipping a cold Carib and updating the blog. Little more expensive here, $5 a beer, but I couldn’t find wi-fi elsewhere, and the wifi here ain't so good. Bartender truly indifferent. But nice weather, 80 degrees with a breeze.



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