Happy St.Pat's Day

Saturday March 17 - Sunday March 18

Saturday -- Today is St. Paddy's Day, the second most worthless holiday after Columbus Day. Like the Irish need another excuse to get drunk. Oh well, one more reason I'm glad that I more or less "cool my heels" on the weekends and just chill out, while everyone else is out and about clogging up the roads, shopping malls, and attractions. I hang out at McDonalds and read and soak up their air conditioning and free wi-fi, and keep chipping away at the Steve Jobs biography. I relist a watch on eBay, an early wire lug watch that did not reach my desired minimum the first time around, so I am trying it again. And also do a workout.

Sunday -- More or less a carbon copy of yesterday, except I do go to Match dot com and go to my account settings and end my subscription to be sure I am not automatically charged another $116 when my subscription is up on April 5. I would have to characterize my Match efforts in Florida as a qualified failure. I certainly had some highlights with my friend, Carol, but a serious relationship with her is out of the question. In the end, I didn't have any better luck finding someone down here than I did in Wisconsin, and it's time to give it a rest. I feel like I'm trying too hard, and it shouldn't be like this. I can always rejoin match down the road, say in a year, if nothing happens. And by that time, hopefully some new stock will enter the herd by then. I know that's kind of a coarse way to put it, but honestly in the time since I've joined, the same women are coming up again in the rotation as "potential matches" even though I've rejected them (or vice versa) once already! Absolutely no regrets, though. The whole experience has taught me a lot about myself and about human nature and behavior. Call it another lesson in the continuing education of Bruce. Cheaper than a Psych 101 course, and a lot more fun! And I did meet someone (Amy) who has turned out to be a great friend.

Expenses: McDonald's $6



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