2020 The Year that Wasn't

Jeez, 2020 started out so "normal" in many respects.

Social distancing? What is that? What do you mean, no toilet paper? Doctor Fauci? Who is he, a new character on Star Trek: Picard?

Anyway, back to the start of 2020. I made the move from the Janesville apartment right after the New Year to new digs in Cottage Grove (Drumlin Residences or DR for short). Lost about 200 square feet in living space, but gained heated underground parking, elevator access, and about 100 square feet between 2 storage units, one in the parking garage (8 ft by 8 ft) and another small storage locker on the 3rd floor where our apartment is. Plus, all new appliances, including full size washer/dryer in the unit. Apartments were built in 2017 and we were literally the first tenants in this particular unit. Dawn and I loaded up my Prius to the brim with wristwatch material and took it down to Tom Harris auctions in Marshalltown, Iowa, around January 6 -- overflow of stuff that would not fit into the 8x8 storage locker which I had converted into a workshop of sorts complete with shelves for storage. I even managed to rig up some outlets for overhead fluorescent lamp fixture, polishing machine, and ultrasonic cleaner. The trip to Marshalltown, Iowa, with a night layover in Iowa City at the Graduate Hotel was very enjoyable.

Cruise buddy Julie and I went on a back-to-back Royal Caribbean cruise starting Jan. 24 and did not return until Feb. 3, and we had a wonderful time sailing around the Caribbean without a care in the world. Wuhan China by this time was already reporting an outbreak of some mysterious "pneumonia-like" disease that was particularly deadly. But news was relegated to the back pages, and I was blissfully unaware, as I'm sure most Americans were. After all, in a country of 1.4 billion people, there is always some kind of epidemic roaming about. So, waiter, please bring me another vodka/cranberry, and by the way, when is the next tray of hot shrimp rolls come out?

Back home now, Dawn and I enjoyed some leisure time and even took a little "retreat" down to Dubuque Iowa on the 26th of February for an overnight at the Julien Hotel, a nice steak dinner at the Woodfire Grill, and a little gambling at the Diamond Jo. We felt a little celebration was in order to mark the successful move.

On Feb. 28, Dawn and I went to Toby's (a popular Madison bar/restaurant) for a Friday fish fry. We were packed in there like sardines, at times three deep at the bar drinking Old Fashioneds shoulder to shoulder with other patrons as we waited for our table. Dawn got seriously ill about a week later with cold/flu symptoms. Myself about four days later. My cough was bad enough that I went to the doctor and got some codeine so I could sleep at night. I think this was our bout with Covid 19. Although at the time, we thought it was just a particularly nasty cold. Looking back on it today, I think how lucky we both were that neither of us ended up in the hospital, especially with no effective treatment at that time.

March 15, a Sunday. This was our last sit-down meal (without masks) at Moy's Chinese Restaurant in Elkhorn. After that, restaurants started folding like falling dominos, and the panic runs started in the grocery stores. It was at this point that the reality sank in that this was going to be serious. We started watching the nightly network news again, which we had tuned out for a while because of all the negative news about President Trump and his antics.

On Wednesday, April 8, I took one of my last trips to Cashton to see Joe Hochstetler, my watchmaker. I took one of my buddies along, Chris Vandall, to see Joe's operation. On our way back, we stopped at the Corner Pub in Reedsburg for lunch. We each got a steak sandwich and had to eat it in the car. I called my long-time friend, John Beth, who lives in Reedsburg. He informed me that the Pub was essentially closed except for takeout, and that he wasn't playing organ there until further notice, which ended up being the rest of the year.

Back home at DR, the management decided to lock up the community room and mandate face mask while traversing any public area of the apartment building. This also effectively ended access to the barbecue grill out on the patio that adjoins the community room. I really have missed limited access to that room in 2020, because it was a nice escape when feeling a little claustrophobic in our apartment. It also ended all parties and social gatherings. Neither Dawn nor I are big party-goers, but it's nice to gather once in a while, especially if DR is providing food and drinks!


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