Trip to Las Vegas

June 4. Here at my gate at O'Hare airport. Have 30 minutes of free Internet time, so thought I would start a blog entry.

For those who don't know, I'm going to Vegas for four days to attend two trade shows. These are the JCK show at Mandalay Bay, and the Couture show at Encore. Both shows are primarily jewelry, but there are a number of watch companies there as well. The theme with the watch shows is "Heritage" and thus many companies are displaying and/or unveiling "retro" looking watches that are tribute pieces to their old-time watches. This is right up my alley as a seller of and writer about vintage timepieces. So I thought a little trip would be in order to gather story material and also to have a little fun in Vegas. Too bad it's going to be hotter than hell, but I can deal with this I guess by staying inside and using Uber to get around.

I am flying Spirit Airlines for $159 round trip, but of course there is no "free" luggage beyond one personal item, so I have managed to stuff everything in a backpack:

Everything fits in the backpack for "personal item" aboard Spirit Airlines. Items include::

2 underwear
2 pairs socks
microfiber black dress pants
microfiber grey print dress shirt
medications for four days
toiletries in quart zip lock bag per TSA
collapsible "brief case" to carry at shows


Surface laptop with charger and mouse
Digital voice recorder
thumb drive
cell phone charger
ear phones


Biz cards
The black Adidas shoes I am wearing will serve for both casual and dress.

I am up at 2 a.m. to catch the 3:30 a.m. Van Galder bus to O'Hare. Shower, shave, a bowl of granola with almond milk, and I make a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast at the airport, and I'm off to the bus terminal. I stop at McDonald's for a senior coffee, then park at the terminal.  Bus ride is uneventful, dropping me off at terminal #3. I clear security and get a Pike Blend at Starbucks and have that with my sandwich. Figure I saved $10, which is a couple more rolls at the craps table.

More later. We are getting ready to board the plane.



  1. Go, Bruce, go. I love how you packed. The airlines are training us to travel light. Have a wonderful couple of days in Vegas!


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