Update April 3, 2016

Hi Friends and Family

I'm writing to you from our new apartment, our third day here. We couldn't be happier. We have more room. We each have our own bedroom and bathroom. The living area is very comfy and inviting. We've been to the swimming pool, and it is divine. We still have a few boxes left to upack, and we're setting up the kitchen the way we want it, but basically we're all set. The unit has so far been very quiet despite the fact we have units above and below us, and to the right and to the left.

Below is a composite picture of some of the scenes from our new apartment:

We pretty much spent all this past week getting ready for the move, and the preparation paid off in making things go smoothly. Following the sale of the sofa, the Harmony Thrift Shop came with a trailer and picked up everything else we didn't want to take, including the kitchen table and four chairs, lanai table and two chairs, table lamp, and entertainment cabinet. The movers came at 9 a.m. Friday and delivered the piano, bed, and La-Z-Boy recliner to the new apartment. The movers followed me to the new place while Dawn finished up on the vacuuming/cleaning. The new tenant, Kelly, arrived at 10 a.m., paid me $20 for the coffee table, and made an inspection of the apartment. I placed a call to the landlord and with the phone on speaker, we all agreed the apartment was in good order, and I handed Kelly the keys and we left. Hopefully, the security deposit will be forthcoming soon. I returned today (Sunday) to fetch my bicycle and rode it over to the new apartment.

To my great surprise and delight, Comcast (our Internet provider) had the Internet all set up; I just had to plug in the modem from the old apartment. The free broadcast channels that didn't come in at the old place work fine here with the digital antenna, so we have broadcast channels, plus Netflix and Hulu. Hooray!

Cat Abby adjusted to the place in a matter of a few hours and has assumed her rightful place as queen of the castle.

Dawn did a few loads of laundry today in the full size washer and dryer (our old one was the apartment size variety) and both work fine. The lanai room is lovely, and we have already christened it with our first game of Scrabble.

To celebrate the move, we went out to dinner last night to "Prawnbrokers" (Curt and Karen, we took you there) and had a fantastic dinner of fried shrimp. I think this has become our favorite restaurant here. I'm cooking the first dinner here tonight: a traditional "blue-plate special" of hot meatloaf sandwiches and mashed potatoes, all with gravy of course!

This upcoming week we have a few things going on, and we have an absolutely beautiful stretch of weather coming up. Dawn has a doctor appointment tomorrow, and then Tuesday is entertaining friend Julie from Denver, Co., all day. Wednesday, we might do our airboat ride through the Everglades. Thursday morning, we have a breakfast planned with friend Nora who lives here in Fort Myers.

I am taking off for Wisconsin somewhere between April 27-29. Time is getting short here in beautiful Fort Myers.

Hope all is well with you folks.

Bruce & Dawn


  1. Bruce, Dawn: Your new apartment looks appealing. The pool is big and you have plenty of chaise lounge chairs. We hike the beach for two miles and swim 30 minutes everyday. Then sunbathe a bit, Pegg longer. I burn so take it easy. We're both fit and tanned to head back north Thursday, though we didn't lose any weight. Didn't gain any either. We're happy you guys found a comfortable place.

  2. The new place looks posh. Glad you got through that ...moves aren't so fun. Thanks for another scintillating post, amigo.


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