Movie Time

Just saw the movie "Birdman" last night. After it won all those Academy Awards Sunday night, including Best Picture, I got curious and had to see it. Had to travel 14 miles to Estero/Bonita Springs because that was the closest theater showing it. But it was worth it. It was raw and gritty at times, exposing the underbelly of show business, and ultimately dealt with the desire for redemption, which most of us have felt at one time or another. Not myself, of course, because it's difficult to improve upon perfection.

Ha! Just seeing if you were paying attention! Seriously, though, it was a really good movie, and surely is Michael Keaton's best performance to date.

After the movie, I had dinner at Big Al's Sports Grill in Bonita Springs. They had a location in Fort Myers when I was here two years ago, but they went out of business for reasons unknown. It's a pity, too, because it was one of my faves and the prices were great and the place was always packed. They do the same nightly specials at the Bonita Springs location, and Monday's special was "any dinner on the menu for $11.99," so I got the full rack of baby back ribs which were delicious, served with corn on the cob (surprisingly good), fries, and cole slaw.

I was also going to stop at Dixie Grocery Liquidators out that way, but they close at 6 p.m. (obviously catering to the retired crowd) so I was out of luck there and will have to return on another day. I am still enjoying the five pounds of Starbucks coffee beans I bought on my last trip there; they (the beans) may well last me my entire stay here.

I know it's been a week since my last blog entry, and I hope no one has taken that to mean that I am sad or in a bad way or anything. It's simply that there are stretches of days where nothing of much significance occurs. I rise usually by 8 a.m.; Abby does a good job of not letting me sleep much later than this. I make a pot of coffee, sit out on the lanai for a while and check news, weather (back in Wisconsin and here), and emails. Then breakfast of one sort or another. I may then read, or scour the Internet for any number of things. Then there's the usual tasks that accompanies one wherever one goes, including housecleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, and what not. Sometimes I will play with Abby and/or watch her luxuriate in the sunshine and warmth:

I will usually take one meal a day "out" somewhere, if for no other reason than to get out of the apartment for a while. Fridays are a regular favorite of biking to the farmer's market and driving to the Fleamasters Flea Market, if for no other reason to talk to my book buddy, grab some lunch, and people watch.

I do have a couple of adventures coming up. Supposedly "Rona" (from the dating site and I are doing an Everglades air boat tour next week. Then there is the Kissimmee watch show coming up the second week of March, which I am combining with a little scouting trip to St. Petersburg to evaluate that city as a possible wintering location for the 2015-16 season. And I'll be sure to apprise you of both these adventures.

But in the meantime, be assured I am happy and well. If anything, I am a little homesick for the familiar sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and camaraderie of Wisconsin, and will be looking forward to a homecoming in May. That said, I cannot describe to you to joy of being able to step outside, take a bike ride, or a little drive somewhere dressed in T-shirt and shorts, and not have to worry about slipping, falling, or sliding into a ditch somewhere. The sunshine and warmth are completely invigorating, versus the energy-sucking cold and seemingly endless stretches of cloudy days of the Wisconsin winters. So I do feel extremely fortunate to be here. But I do miss the beautiful landscape of Wisconsin; the drive to Dubuque through the driftless region especially comes to mind. There is nothing here but flat. And while the fresh seafood and produce are completely awesome in Florida (especially being on the coast) there is a serious dearth of good pie down here. And cheese spread (my kingdom for a tub of Owl's Nest garlic cheese spread). And I've yet to find a pizza place anywhere near on a par with Paisans or even Mac's Pizza Shack down the street from me in Janesville. And of course I miss the easy access to friends and family. Despite numerous attempts, I have yet to establish even one solid human connection down here.

I know ... woe is me. I don't mean to whine (really). But all this stuff serves to remind me that I'm a confirmed "snowbird," at least for the foreseeable future. The best of both worlds. Stay in Wisconsin just long enough to avoid the enforced idleness brought on by winter; stay in Florida just long enough to avoid the monsoons, hurricanes, and ungodly heat/humidity. 

So rest assured, sports fans, I am well here in the "City of Palms," nestled on the southwest shores of the Sunshine State.



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