A Bounty at the Farmers Market

After topping off the tires on the bicycle, I rode over to the Lakes Park Friday farmer's market, about four miles each way, a nice little ride to get the blood flowing and the appetite stoked. I left about 8:30 and got their at 9. For breakfast I had a cheese Danish, a pint of fresh strawberries, and coffee. I met up with the bicycle group, whose members hail from Wisconsin (Kenosha, no less), Iowa, and Canada among other places. We shared a few stories and laughs.

At the market, I picked up:

1/2 pound fresh cod, for making fish tacos this evening;
a loaf of homemade honey wheat bread; and
a pound of fresh tomatoes.

Unfortunately, the tomatoes didn't do so well on the trip back to the apartment because they kept bouncing up and down in the bike basket and got a little bruised. I'll have to rethink the tomatoes, perhaps bring a box with some bubble wrap in it. Fresh vine ripened tomatoes are so fragile compared to the ones you get in the store.

I put away the perishables, then headed over to the Fleamasters flea market to hunt for bargains. I picked up a copy of Bill Bryson's A Sunburned Country, chronicling his travels in Australia. I bought a sticky lint roller to clean my comforter and furniture of cat hair. Abby is shedding like crazy, because she started getting her winter coat in Wisconsin, and is now shedding it in this warmer climate. I also invested in a good slicker brush to pull out Abby's loose undercoat. I also scored a whole bag of limes for $2 from a produce dealer who wanted to get rid of them. I had a lunch at one of the food court vendors of a Philly Steak sandwich, fries, and a Dr. Pepper for $8.50.

On the way home, I stopped at CVS Pharmacy to pick up some meds, and scored $5 in CVS scrip via their loyalty club. So I scoured their sale flyer and picked up a pint of Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream, a dozen eggs, and a small pouch of cashews.

Back at the apartment, I made myself a Dacquiri with two of the fresh limes and some of my Wicked Dolphin rum. Delicious. Took a small chair nap in the La-Z-Boy, and awoke to prepare my fish tacos for dinner, and topped it off with some coffee Haagen Dazs for dessert. All very yummy. Can't wait to try some of that honey wheat bread tomorrow.

I'm listening to Pandora radio right now (the piano solo channel) and Abby is asleep on the bed. Very peaceful.

Lest you think I'm a g rouch, ala my catty review of the Rockefeller Christmas Special in my last blog entry, I want you all to know that I watched Peter Pan last night on NBC and loved it. I thought Allison Williams was thoroughly likeable, and Christopher Walkin's inimitable stop-start diction brought a new dimension to Captain Hook. It was great fun,.

Well, there are 24 people scheduled thus far indicating their intention to attend the meetup dot com gathering tomorrow night at Cadillac Jacks to listen to Alter Ego, an 11 piece R&B band. I'm looking forward to attending and hopefully meeting some new people.



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