
Showing posts from November, 2011

On to Atlanta

Wed. Nov. 30 On to Atlanta Up at 6:30 this morning. The kitties stayed pretty close, keeping the “pack” together for safety! I got up once to pee, get a drink of water, and actually turn on a little heat, as the entry door leaks air like a sieve! I cleaned up another fresh egg and sausage patty from the stuff I took from the ‘fridge at home. The comp breakfast here also had egg rounds and sausage patties, and the usual assortment of carbs, of which I had a bowl of raisin bran with milk and Splenda. I had to search out a Walgreens (about 2.5 miles up the road from here) because I forgot my collapsible laundry hamper (one at home is worn out anyway) which is an indispensable device for gathering dirty clothes, and also a package of ear plugs, which I needed a new batch of anyway since all the ones at home are well, let’s just say, not completely "fresh." I’m ready to hit the road now (about 9:30) so thought I would start today’s entry. I “pilled” both cats … I gave Phoebe a ful...

Here We Go Again!

Hi everybody, and welcome to “Chapter Two” of Bruce’s Winter Getaway. Last winter, I wrote you all from Orlando for three months. This winter, I’ll be writing first from Orlando during December, and then from Fort Myers during January, February, and March. I’ll be revisiting some “old” adventures with the Disney Parks and some volunteer work with the Orange County Humane Society. And there will be some new adventures with my first ever trip to Southwest Florida. And there will be a Bahamas cruise in here, and a trade show in Daytona Beach. So let’s get started! Nov. 29, let the adventure begin! On the road at 8:30 a.m., about an hour and a half later than I wanted, and that was due mostly to sleeping later than I thought I would (6:30) which is a good thing, because I wasn’t counting on a good night’s sleep. I finally hit the sack at about 11 p.m. Monday, so I got a good solid 7 hours sleep. Everything fit nicely into the Prius, including two kitties in two duffle bags, the litter box,...