On to Atlanta
Wed. Nov. 30 On to Atlanta Up at 6:30 this morning. The kitties stayed pretty close, keeping the “pack” together for safety! I got up once to pee, get a drink of water, and actually turn on a little heat, as the entry door leaks air like a sieve! I cleaned up another fresh egg and sausage patty from the stuff I took from the ‘fridge at home. The comp breakfast here also had egg rounds and sausage patties, and the usual assortment of carbs, of which I had a bowl of raisin bran with milk and Splenda. I had to search out a Walgreens (about 2.5 miles up the road from here) because I forgot my collapsible laundry hamper (one at home is worn out anyway) which is an indispensable device for gathering dirty clothes, and also a package of ear plugs, which I needed a new batch of anyway since all the ones at home are well, let’s just say, not completely "fresh." I’m ready to hit the road now (about 9:30) so thought I would start today’s entry. I “pilled” both cats … I gave Phoebe a ful...